Willy Brandt hält eine Rede mit erhobener Faust. Zusätzlich steht Willy-Brandt-Preis für Zeitgeschichte auf dem Bild
Photo: J.H.Darchinger/FES

Call for Applications: Willy-Brandt-Preis für Zeitgeschichte 2025

The Foundation

The foundation awards the Willy Brandt Prize for Contemporary History every two years. The award is given to outstanding academic work that, in keeping with the foundation’s purpose, is dedicated to German history of the 20th century in its European and global references and thus innovatively explores a topic that is connected to the political work of Willy Brandt.

The work should not be older than two years and must have already been published. Dissertations or habilitation theses must have been accepted by the respective faculty at the time of submission.

The prize includes the publication of the award-winning work in the foundation’s publication series “Willy Brandt – Studien und Dokumente” at Campus Verlag or a subsidy for printing costs if another publication option is chosen. If the work has already been published, prize money will be paid out. The selection committee consists of the three members of the Executive Board and three members of the International Advisory Board.

The foundation accepts application for the 2025 Willy-Brandt-Prize until March 30, 2025. All details can be found in the Call for Proposals and the Rules of Procedure (in German).

Ausschreibungs- & Verfahrensordnung

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News of the Willy Brandt Foundation