Touring Exhibition Commemorating "50 Years Chancellorship of Willy Brandt” the exhibition "Willy Brandt - Freedom Fighter, Chancellor of Peace, Bridge Builder" is touring through Germany. Opponent of the Nazis, Governing Mayor of Berlin, Federal Chancellor, Nobel Peace Prize laureate – the touring exhibitions mirror Willy Brandt’s fascinating life and the eventful history of Germany and Europe in the 20th century. In addition to Willy Brandt’s biography and its historical context, numerous exhibits, digital offers and interactive stations in the exhibition convey Brandt’s central themes. Follow the tour on and on social media on #willybrandtontour. Willy Brandt is one of the outstanding statesmen of the 20th century. He laid the groundwork for reconciliation with Germany’s eastern neighbours and was a passionate advocate for German and European unity. In addition he campaigned for global solidarity and understanding among nations. The national touring exhibition “Willy Brandt – Freedom Fighter, Peace Chancellor, Bridge Builder” has been touring Germany since autumn of 2019. Its opening took place on October 22nd in the German Bundestag. Find out moreClose Plus Icon Uhr Icon Location & Opening Hours Plus Icon The national travelling exhibition is currently taking a break. The next and final stop will be in Vienna. The opening is on June 3 2025. More information to follow. Instagram Icon Podcast Plus Icon Our travelling exhibition “Willy Brandt – Freedom Fighter, Peace Chancellor, Bridge Builder” has been touring Germany since 2019. We now offer a podcast about this exhibition in German. In 8 episodes, we highlight the main topics of the exhibition, which deals with Brandt’s political life and thinking. Have fun listening: Instagram Icon POSTER EXHIBITION Plus Icon Our international travelling exhibition is now also available as a poster exhibition! In German, 13 Din A1 posters illustrate the exhibition “Willy Brandt 1913-1992. A Life for Freedom, Peace and Reconciliation between Nations” and shed light on Willy Brandt’s political thinking and actions. More information at: Instagram Icon Contact Plus Icon For requests to borrow the exhibitions and questions concerning the touring management please contact: Florian Sachse, exhibition and event management Phone: 030 / 787 707-26 Email: *protected email* The touring exhibitions Photo: „Willy Brandt – Freiheitskämpfer, Friedenskanzler, Brückenbauer“ The national touring exhibition The national touring exhibition exemplifies Willy Brandt as a man, a politician and a visionary. Photo: Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung Willy Brandt on Tour Discover the Willy Brandt-Touring Exhibition online Photo: Philipp Böll Information for borrowers The Willy Brandt-touring exhibitions are available to be lend during the next years. The touring exhibitions Photo: „Willy Brandt – Freiheitskämpfer, Friedenskanzler, Brückenbauer“ The national touring exhibition The national touring exhibition exemplifies Willy Brandt as a man, a politician and a visionary. Photo: Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung Willy Brandt on Tour Discover the Willy Brandt-Touring Exhibition online Photo: Philipp Böll Information for borrowers The Willy Brandt-touring exhibitions are available to be lend during the next years. The touring exhibitions Photo: „Willy Brandt – Freiheitskämpfer, Friedenskanzler, Brückenbauer“ The national touring exhibition The national touring exhibition exemplifies Willy Brandt as a man, a politician and a visionary. Photo: Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung Willy Brandt on Tour Discover the Willy Brandt-Touring Exhibition online Photo: Philipp Böll Information for borrowers The Willy Brandt-touring exhibitions are available to be lend during the next years. 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