Photo: J.H. Darchinger/Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Our Mission

On October 8, 2024, the Board of Trustees of the Bundeskanzler-Willy-Brandt-Stiftung approved a new mission statement for the foundation. It highlights democracy education as the foundation’s central mission. The new mission statement follows the values ​​that Willy Brandt championed throughout his life: the struggle for peace and freedom, intra-European understanding from the East to the West, improving social participation, strengthening basic and human rights and striving for global Justice and solidarity.

“The new mission statement will have a significant impact on the foundation in the coming years. Our work is based on the core values ​​that have always guided Willy Brandt. Our task is not only to preserve these values, but also to carry them into the present and future,” explained the chairman of the board of trustees, Wolfgang Thierse.

Understanding the past, shaping the future

The foundation wants to encourage people to exercise their democratic rights and to actively advocate for an open, fair and solidarity-based society. “Democracy thrives on participation,” says the new mission statement. This also means making a historically informed commitment to the future of a just society. That is why the foundation will work particularly hard to make people of all backgrounds and age groups aware of how hard-won today’s democratic rights are. Willy Brandt’s commitment to living democracy in a Germany that is not only spatially but also socially united should serve as a model that the actions of every person are important for democratic culture.

Our historical-political education and our events play a central role at all three of the foundation’s locations. The foundation’s exhibitions, educational work and events invite you to engage with our history as well as the challenges of the present and the future. In particular, inclusive formats and offers for children and young people should be expanded in order to bring Willy Brandt’s work closer to those who have no personal memories of Willy Brandt.

Scientific research continues to play a key role in the foundation’s work in communicating Willy Brandt’s values ​​and legacy. We will continue to be the first point of contact to research Willy Brandt’s biography and political work. In addition, we carry out our own, innovative research projects on Willy Brandt, his work and his legacy.

Leitbild der Stiftung

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