Willy-Brandt-Denkmal in Huesca, Spanien
Photo: Fernando Gató

Willy Brandt, Socialdemocracy and Spain

Wanderausstellung Vortrag Past Event
Calender Icon Event Date

15. February 2022,
Start 19

Pin Icon Location

Centro Cultural Manuel Benito Moliner
Av. Martínez de Velasco 6
22005 Huesca

In April, the Foundation’s touring exhibition will make a stop in Huesca in Northern Spain. Willy Brandt stayed near the city in March 1937 on the front lines of the civil war; today a monument in Huesca commemorates him.

In the run-up to the exhibition, Bernd Rother will give a lecture on “Willy Brandt, Social Democracy and Spain” on 15 February at the invitation of the city. What Willy Brandt experienced in and around Barcelona from February to June 1937 will be one topic, his support for Spain’s transition to democracy from 1976 onwards another. Bernd Rother will also address the current situation of social democracy in Europe and what the new German government means for Spain. Marcelino Iglesias, former President of the autonomous community of Aragón, will also give a short speech.

The lecture will be given in Spanish and broadcast as a Livestream.


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